Learn to Sail on Lake Michigan!

2025 registration opens 1/30/2025!

Join us on the blue waters.


The Saint Joseph Junior Foundation is a premier Sailing School in Southwest Michigan. Serving the community for over 70 years to over 10,000 students, our mission is to provide sailing and water safety instruction to youth and adults at an affordable price, and to provide a safe, fun environment in which they can learn and appreciate our natural resources, the waters of St. Joseph, Michigan. Our dedicated staff instructors are all Level 1, US Sailing Certified, and enjoy teaching in a safe environment while maintaining fun!

Summer Youth Sailing: SJJF’s Summer Sailing is the best way for kids to enjoy some FUN in the sun! With offerings ranging from Learn to Sail Opti’s all the way through Racing and Keelboat Sailing programs, there is a place for all children ages 8-18.

Adult Program: SJJF offers adult programming on 420 dinghies and introduction to keelboats. This program is designed to give adults above age 18 the opportunity to experience sailing. Whether you used to sail, are currently sailing, trying to learn from your partner or have watched from ashore and always wanted to give it a try NOW IS THE TIME! Build your sailing knowledge and get on the water. Adult sessions on Tuesday nights, Women on the water on Thursday nights.

Open Sailing: SJJF also offers a Community Monday Night Fun Racing program for Laser and 420 sailors, and are open to all in the community. Drop in’s available. Boats provided.

2025 registration opens 1/30/2025!

Links to more information on our Classes:

The newly dedicated Bill Campbell Pavilion provides shade and a wonderful space for SJJF teaching.

Donate Today!

We are still in need of financial help to maintain the fleet, update equipment, and provide a safe sailing environment. Read the appeal letter by clicking here, and donate online here.

Click here for our Facebook page

Useful Links:

“My children learned to sail through classes provided by SJJF. They flourished throughout the summer and gained confidence and a sense of accomplishment. They also really enjoyed the Monday night fun races. In one of the races, I had the privilege of sailing with my daughter. I was amazed to see my daughter lead and navigate me through the waves of one of the world’s greatest lakes. It was a moment of great splendor to sail with my children.  As a parent, I would highly recommend SJJF sailing classes to other families. My children loved the classes, and it has inspired them to think bigger. Now I hear stories of a life filled with future adventures and goals.” email Feedback from a 2022 Parent

We look forward to seeing you on the Water!